Saturday, July 29, 2006

Across the Tasman

I just got back from a week visiting lots of school groups in Melbourne.
Thanks to everyone in all the different classes I met at:
~ Anderson's Creek
~ Warrandyte
~ Donburn
~ Ringwood Heights
And my old school, Antonio Park, which is rather larger now than it was when I started there in 1965!
They have hens and sheep and all sorts of wonderful things there now. Even a library. When I was there we just kept the books in a cupboard off the corridor.
I had a great time, too, at the Eltham Bookshop's Chatterbooks Club at Eltham Library. What a beautiful building it is. It's a concentric, circular shape, built of mudbrick, and includes a gallery and cafe.
I suppose there were about thirty young readers there on Sunday afternoon, and some had dressed as pirates especially. All great fun.
Thanks to everyone who came to listen to me read, and who asked some great questions.
If you still have more questions, you can click on the "Comments" link below and type it in, and I'll try to answer it for you.
There are already some Questions & Answers on the Swashbuckler website.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Flying high

I'm off to Melbourne tomorrow, where I'll be visiting several schools (including my old school!) and reading at Eltham Bookshop's Chatterbooks Book Club on Sunday 23 July.
See below for details.
Oh and I might see Pirates of the Caribbean while I'm there.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Ahoy Birkenhead

Had a great time reading and having pirate adventures at the North Shore libraries last week.
Paul from Birkenhead Library has posted some photos from the day there: Guess which one's me.
Thanks to all the staff at the libraries, and to everyone who came along.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Reading pirate books

I've just read a couple of new maritime/pirate novels - well, new to me, but since I got them for half-price at a Whitcoulls sale, I guess they've been around a while.
First up was Secrets of the Fearless, by NZ-born Elizabeth Laird. It's not a pirate book but it is a swashbuckler that rips along at a fearful and thrilling pace from the very first line: "It was a wild night, raw, with rain in the air". Laird has a deft way with dialogue and action, as well as historical detail (besides a couple of little glitches).
Our young hero John Barr falls into the navy almost by accident, and the novel traces his early years on board HMS Fearless, his best friend Kit (who has secrets of his own, which you'll work out well before John does) and cloak-and-dagger espionage along the coast of France during the wars between Britain and the Republic.
Like Hornblower and the Jack Aubrey books (Master and Commander) - and indeed many maritime adventures - the incidents are inspired by the life of the greatest spy/swashbuckler of them all, Lord Cochrane. It's a ripping yarn, but does slow down into a kissing book towards the end, which might disappoint some boys who read it.
On the other hand, girls might have thought it was not for them - as is, for example, Celia Rees's Pirates, which combines swashbuckling and romance. Peter Raven Under Fire suffers from the same complaint, although Secrets of the Fearless is by far the better book.
I read it in one sitting and didn't want it to stop. It's for readers 10 to 14.
The Ring of the Slave Prince is another thing altogether. Written by Bjarne Reuter and translated by Tiina Nunnally, it's part swashbuckler, part South American magical realism, part rites-of-passage story. Some of those elements work, some don't, and they don't necessarily mesh well together. I found it at once compelling but also overlong and overcomplicated. But perhaps that's just me. I felt the same way about Brian Jacques' Castaways of the Flying Dutchman but most other people loved it.
There are also a few disconcerting grammatical or editorial mistakes (on one page someone was the eldest son, on the next, his older brother died) and some of the strangeness in the dialogue must be due to the translation. It's probably a book for readers over 14 or so, as it gets rather gruesome and macabre at times.
Finally, a picture book: Pirate Girl, by Cornelia Funke, author of Inkspell and Dragon Rider, with illustrations by Kerstin Meyer. This is quite new (not half-price yet!) and really fun - a readaloud picture book for younger kids, with a cast of suitably 'orrible pirates, a brave little girl called Molly, and Molly's fearsome Mum: Barbarous Bertha. I've read this out loud twice every day in the library holiday program last week, and can bear witness to the fact that kids even up to about 7 or 8 thought it was a pretty good read.
Oh and don't forget the new non-fiction Pirates book by John Matthews, which is gorgeously produced and crammed with facts and snippets about pirates, corsairs, buccaneers, and the whole scurvy crew.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Lost for words

I'm halfway through my week of reading at every library on Auckland's North Shore, and it's been great fun so far. I read picture books like Cornelia Funke's Pirate Girl if there are little kids there, and read my book and answer questions about pirates, the books, writing, and anything else. Today we've even made treasure maps (and eaten quite a bit of treasure).
At Birkenhead this afternoon, I was delighted to meet a Maltese family, the Testas, who had come especially to give me a copy of the review Luke had written of my book. Here's some of it:
I thought it was a breathtaking story, although I usually do not enjoy reading pirate stories. I liked the way Kelly Gardiner put in Maltese words such as "merhba" and the fact that the story was based in Malta because it reminded me of the place where I was born and grew up... I recommend the book to other children because they can learn more about pirates and far away countries and because it's a good fun story.

Thanks Luke, and thanks to everyone who has come along to listen.
The last three gigs are:
5 July
10am Northcote library
2pm Devonport library
6 July
10am Takapuna library.
Maybe we'll see you there. I hope my voice lasts that long.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Hooked in

Yo ho, yo ho, the pirate life,
The flag o’ skull and bones,
A merry hour, a hempen rope,
And hey for Davy Jones.

- J. M. Barrie, The Adventures of Peter Pan