Friday, June 15, 2007

Pirates of the you-know-where

Got to see the third instalment of Pirates of the Caribbean a week or so ago. I'm just not too sure about it.
Way too long (but so was the last one) and terribly waffly in places.
Then there was the big speech by Keira/Elizabeth (the other Swann) meant to rally the troops, and I thought everyone would laugh out loud at the end of it, because I nearly did. But no, they rallied.
I have to say that she's no Aragorn.
I can still shed a tear over his rousing cry "This is not that day!" in the final Lord of the Rings.
Keira, I'm afraid, wouldn't get me heading off into battle. She might just convince me to sit down to a nice lunch with that inspiring tone, or maybe get so fired up that I stop yawning, but face violent death and an afterlife stuck with old tentacle features? I don't think so.
And as much as I love Jack Sparrow, I think he's really lost the plot. Well, Jack has, obviously, but so has his scriptwriter.
Anyway, I wonder what other people think...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I quite liked THE PIRAYES OF THE CARRABEAN 3 My favourit character is Jack Sparrow. i thought it was quite sad at what happened to Will Turner

8:31 pm  
Blogger Rafe_jowey121 said...

Regarding to the swashbuckler series is there going to be a fourth one from the point where Rafe,Lily,Lucas,Frances and Captain Nelson are talking.....

Thank you

10:14 am  
Blogger Kelly Gardiner said...

I don't know yet. Maybe. I thought perhaps they could sail off around the coast of Africa and then end up in the South Pacific and have more adventures. But I haven't written it yet.

10:18 pm  

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