Friday, September 29, 2006

Chatterbooks afternoon

Chatterbooks, the Eltham Bookshop Kids’ Bookclub in Melbourne, invites you to celebrate
with her exciting new sequel to Ocean Without End:

The Pirate’s Revenge

DATE: Sunday 22nd October
VENUE: Eltham Bookshop
970 Main Road
Eltham 3095
TIME: 2.30-4.00pm
ENTRY: $2.00
BYO: A treasure map to share with Kelly
RSVP: or (03) 9439 8700

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Here's the new anthology of stories for young readers , from Random House. It's called Hideous and Hilarious, and it includes historical stories by writers like David Hill, Sandy Mackay and James Norcliffe ... And me.
My story is called Anzac Day and it's about a boy who finds a boat on the beach. It's set just after World War One.
The book is edited by Barbara Else, who has worked on other collections such as Weird and Wonderful and Claws and Jaws.
Hideous and Hilarious will be in the bookshops in New Zealand from October 6.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Launch dates: Pirate's Revenge

Here are the dates of the launches for book two in the Swashbuckler trilogy:

Thursday 28 September, 6pm, Jabberwocky Bookshop, 202 Dominion Road, Mt Eden.

Wednesday 18 October, 6.30pm, Readings Books, 253 Bay Street, Port Melbourne.
You're all welcome.

And on Sunday 22 October, I'll be at Eltham Bookshop (in Melbourne) for a special pirate afternoon. Details soon!